European Mission Soil Week Cluster Event at the European Committee of the Regions.

European Mission Soil Week Cluster Event at the European Committee of the Regions. On November 14th, 2024, E-SPFdigit participated in the European Mission Soil Week Cluster Event at the European Committee of the Regions. Opened by Marc Tachelet (European Research Executive Agency (REA), with remarks from Luis Sánchez Álvarez (DG AGRI) and Maria Jose Amaral […]

E-SPFdigit officially launched: Emergent soil, plant and food onsite digital services on chemical and biological contaminants

SPI participated in the Kick-off Meeting of E-SPFDigit Project in Thessaloniki

E-SPFdigit officially launched:Emergent soil, plant and food onsite digital services onchemical and biological contaminants E-SPFdigit officially launched: Emergent soil, plant and food onsite digital services on chemical and biological contaminants E-SPFDigit project kicked off in Thessaloniki on October 8-9, 2024, hosted by Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH). The 18-partner consortium gathered to discuss […]